vineri, 28 ianuarie 2011

If I were in your shoes....

1] Post inspired by lyrics of the song "I wanna be free"- Nu pot sa te-opreasca ei sa traiesti asa cum vrei
2] Sorry, but yesterday I read a post in english, I immagined this post in English so I am going to write it in English :). Hope you don't mind xD
So.. Here it beginns..
I AM SICK AND TIRED OF THE PEOPLE THAT KEEP TELLING ME "If I were in your shoes, I'd rather do that...".
You are just so full of CRAP!
If you were in my shoes, you'd do the exact same fvcking thing! So back off.
After all, if you WERE in MY shoes, you'd think and see life the way I do.!
And if you were freinds trying to help me, you'd know that I only listen to an advice WHEN I ASK FOR IT. And if I don't need no opinion, I just use _|_ :)
This post is the short version of what I had in mind.. But I kinda forgot the rest xD
Dammit, people, you can raise your voice!

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