duminică, 6 martie 2011

Weird mood.

Am chef de.. nimic.
Asta nu m-ar surprinde in general.
Daca as avea chef sa ascult muzica.
Dar nu am o.0
Nu stiu de ce.
WTF is going on?! o.0 Eu MEREU am chef de muzica..
I haven't got the slightest idea why this is happening.
Oh. And here's another weird thing about my mood: I don't care I ain't in the mood for anything..

What the heck. I don't feel like myself today.
Poate e de la ninsoarea de afara.
Poate e pentru ca am mancat doar un bol de cereale azi dimineata si acum mi-e foame. =)) [La ce-mi sta capu'? La hrana! =))]
Poate... Nu stiu.
Ma rog.

2 comentarii:

  1. So,you don't care you ain't in the mood for anything,but you've still written this :))And you're worried.
    Don't be.Everybody is in that mood sometimes.
    In my case,very often.
    (De ce vorbesc in engleza?)

  2. Ty for the heads-up xD
    Si vorbesti in engleza pentru ca noi suntem aiurea si mai mereu vorbim in engleza, deci... obijnuinta xD
    And myeah... Kindova paradox xD. I am worried but I don't care. Yeah, that's me. The person which you will never understand xD. 'Cos I sometimes don't undersand myself xD
